Literature for Scholars

Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Banneker

Using the "Chapter 15 link," read the chapter on "Equality" from Thomas Jefferson's Note on the State of Virginia. In the chapter, he discusses his perceived difference between African-Americans, and particularly slaves, and the white population of the colonies. His views were largely those of the time, and it is important consider his mentality as a reflection of the mindset that justified enslaving and oppressing others. 

After reading the chapter, respond to the following questions:

1. Summarize Jefferson's main points and identify examples of support he uses to justify his argument.

2. Analyze at least two of Jefferson's major assumptions about slaves or African-Americans in general that present themselves in his writing.  

3. Evaluate the logic and reasonableness of his argument. What evidence does Jefferson use to support his view and opinion? How strong is the evidence? How weak is the evidence?

4. Identify at least three meaningful sentences that you think capture the essence of what he says in your particular section. Write the sentences. Then, paraphrase what they say and interpret what they mean.

5. Choose a passage you find to be most significant (up to five sentences). You do not have to write the passage but be ready to share it with the class. Explain you chose that passage and evaluate its significance.